Are you trying to have a baby? Worried that you might have accidentally conceived? The best way to tell if you are pregnant is to use a home pregnancy test or make an appointment with your doctor. It is very difficult to tell based on early pregnancy symptoms alone, as many of those same signs can be caused by premenstrual syndrome, or PMS.
While the symptoms for both PMS and early pregnancy look very similar when written down in a list, there are differences between the two. Usually, this is a matter of degrees, with symptoms being more severe for early pregnancy than for PMS. This makes it very difficult for other people to help you determine what your symptoms mean, as only you can really know what is normal for you and what is not.
For example, swollen and tender breasts are a classic symptom of early pregnancy. Many women also experience this during PMS. If you are pregnant, the discomfort is usually more severe, however, and often lasts for weeks. So while moderate discomfort is a normal part of PMS, if it seems more severe to you this time around, you may be pregnant.
Cramps are another thing to watch for. Though it came seem like an eternity while you are experiencing them, period cramps do not last long, generally only a couple of days. If you are pregnant, you can expect to have cramps for weeks.
Likewise, it is not uncommon for women on their periods to experience some level of fatigue. Once you’re pregnant, though, it’s a whole different ball game. If you are experiencing much higher levels of fatigue than you have in the past, there is a chance that you are pregnant.
Food Cravings
Strange food cravings are a classic pregnancy symptom, and a good marker to watch for. While PMS often makes women reach for something sweet, pregnancy cravings are often downright strange. Your sense of smell and taste can undergo drastic changes while you are pregnant. Foods that you used to love may become repulsive. On the flip side, foods that you never would have eaten before are suddenly appealing.
Morning sickness is right up there with cravings when it comes to the clichéd pregnancy symptoms. And while it’s not fun to have, it is a good indication of whether you are pregnant or experiencing PMS. Late periods do not bring about nausea and vomiting. So if you find yourself running to the bathroom in the mornings, it might be time to buy a home pregnancy test.
Watching for these symptoms is a good way to gauge whether you are premenstrual or pregnant. None of them are guaranteed to be accurate, however. A home pregnancy test will give you a much clearer picture and the best thing to do is make an appointment with your doctor.