The anticardiolipin blood test helps to detect whether or not the body’s immune system has created auto-antibodies that attack its own cardiolipins. Cardiolipins are found within the outer layer of cells and platelets. They help to regulate the way the blood is able to clot when an injury occurs, though the process of it is not completely understood as of yet. Because the immune system attack can cause the blood to clot when there is no need for it to do so, this blood test helps to determine if treatments to proactively prevent clotting need to be administered.
The anticardiolipin blood test is often used as part of the diagnostic process for medical providers to determine the cause of these following conditions.
- Miscarriages that occur without another known cause.
- Given with anti-coagulant blood testing for lupus.
- Thrombotic episodes that are unexplained by other examination methods.
If there is a first positive anticardiolipin blood test, then medical providers often order a second test in about 6 weeks to confirm the results. Sometimes the immune system attack is an acute event and the second test will come back as negative. If the condition is chronic, however, the second result will also be positive.
Sometimes this blood test is given to detect the presence of syphilis.
The test result will come back with a false positive in this instance.
A medical provider may decide not to order this test if it is an individual’s first experience with a blood clot, especially if it is in the deep veins. A treatment plan may instead be developed to treat the condition. If there are frequent clotting episodes, it is more likely that the anticardiolipin blood test will be requested.
What Do My Test Results Mean?
For the anticardiolipin blood test, a negative result simply means that the immune system is not attacking the body’s cardiolipin’s. If there is a clotting issue that is known, then the negative result indicates that there is another reason behind the blood clots that are occurring.
There are two positive results that may also occur. Low positive results are very common and happen within the general population every day. Whenever there is an infection present, the potential for inflammation, or even medication taken, then the antibodies that the anticardiolipin blood test is designed to find will be present in low levels. Sometimes as people age, the body naturally creates these antibodies as well. This test result is generally not medically significant, but a consultation with a medical provider is still recommended.
High positive results that have two consecutive and similar findings 6 weeks apart is generally considered evidence that there is a health issue which needs to be addressed. Excessive clotting is likely if it has not already occurred and it may reoccur soon without treatment. Just because there is a positive result, however, it simply means that there is a risk factor present. Blood clots cannot be predicted in either severity or in frequency.
When To Ask About the Anticardiolipin Blood Test
If there are the symptoms of a blood clot, such as when deep vein thrombosis occurs, then if there is discoloration of the leg, pain and tenderness, and swelling the blood test may be ordered by a medical provider.
These symptoms are serious and should be treated immediately.
A blood clot can move from the deep veins and toward the heart or lungs, causing serious damage to the circulatory system along the way.
If the blood clot has made it to the lungs, then a sudden shortness of breath is very common. Labored breathing will typically be present. Coughing up blood may occur and there could be chest pain that is related to the clot in the lungs. Some people experience a rapid heart rate.
A medical provider will likely order this test for women who suffer from recurrent miscarriages that happen after the first trimester. The results are then compared to a personal medical history to determine if a treatment plan can be developed.
The anticardiolipin blood test is useful in helping to determine if there is a risk for blood clots or help to explain clotting that has happened for some reason. Seek immediate medical treatment for any conditions that may be related to a clot. Whatever the results happen to be, only a medical provider can interpret its meaning and how it relates to personal health. Use this guide to ask questions of your medical provider about how your health could be affected by unexpected blood clotting so that you can receive the treatment you may need.