Beauty standards nowadays keep on making us need to have a specific type of look and even though people keep on fighting against these beauty standards, there is still a lot of fighting that needs to take place and even before ewe manage to get these over with, we need to fit into the standards so that we can “fit in” along with the rest of people, so that we can be accepted and not considered different.
Small Tummy Tuck
In order to do this, a lot of people resort to a tummy tuck operation. This is going to elevate the skin of the person and cut off some of the loose skin that just hangs in there. This is effective for people to get a flat tummy and for people to not have skin bouncing around whenever they walk.
There is, however, a difference between a small tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck. As you can tell by the name, a small tummy tuck is something a lot smaller and that doesn’t affect a lot of the torso area, contrary to the full tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck is direct mainly toward the lower belly and the lower abdominal muscles, leaving most of the area above the belly button untouched.
This is not a good procedure in order to tighten the skin, and it is not a good procedure to take care of stretch marks, since it is almost going to do nothing about them at all. On top of that, it is not going to take care of the muscle wall separation above the belly button, and it is going to tighten a limited area in your tummy.
On a positive side, however the scar that is left afterwards isn’t too big. It is just a small, straight line between the hip bones that doesn’t connect between the two of them. With time, the scar will eventually heal up.
Full Tummy Tuck
A full tummy tuck, on the other hand, is going to take care of a lot more skin. A full tummy tuck focuses on treating both a muscle separation all around the belly button, as well as excessive skin on the belly area. This makes it two procedures mixed into one, and that has its advantages. On top of that, a full tummy tuck is going to remove a lot of skin, and as such most stretch marks are going with it.
On the bad side, the scar that a full tummy tuck is going to leave on your body will go from one hip bone to the other, and that means that whenever the scar is still healing ,it is not going to look pretty. The scar does heal eventually, and that means it passes.