Regular blood testing is one of the most important medical tools that can be used to stop health problems before they become problematic. The only problem is that blood tests can be rather expensive for the average person. This is where the LEF blood test can step in and help someone out. It provides a picture of health that the Life Extension Foundation can help people receive even if they don’t have a regular doctor.
Some blood tests are more important than others, so here are the top LEF blood tests which provide proactive results for people so that proactive interventions can take place if necessary.
1. The CBC
The complete blood count is a low-cost blood test that will provide a good health overview. It looks at most organ functionality, blood cell status, and can even see if the body is fighting off an infection. When added to a chemistry panel, total cholesterol levels, blood glucose, and electrolyte levels can also be measured.
2. The A1C
This blood test provides an indication that diabetes mellitus may be developing or present already. It tests the blood sugar that has attached itself to cells within the last 60-90 days and is beneficial even when a diabetes diagnosis has not been given. People who monitor their blood sugars through this long-term average can have better control or make better dietary options that to prevent long-term spikes from occurring.
3. The PSA
Men should be looking at the prostate-specific antigen every year by the time they reach the age of 50. Younger men may also benefit from having this test done once every few years. Those at high risk should receive annual screenings around the age of 40. PSA levels increase naturally with age, but having abnormally high levels can be an indication that prostate cancer has developed. 1 in 4 men who have a digital exam that comes back as normal test positive for cancer with this test.
4. Homocysteine
This LEF blood test is one of the most overlooked tests right now, but it is incredibly important to have. High levels of homocysteine have been associated with increased bone fractures, poor mental functions, and there’s an increased risk of heart attack as well. It is also believed to be linked to other potentially problematic health conditions, such as gallstone development and macular degeneration. The blood test results can help medical providers look at vitamin supplements to encourage a better homocysteine balance to help prevent future health issues.
5. The TSH
The pituitary gland creates a thyroid stimulating hormone [TSH] that helps to regulate overall hormone absorption. Thyroid function can be too much or too little and each has its own unique set of concerns that must be addressed. People who feel tired all of the time, are putting on weight unexpectedly, or might be losing weight unexpectedly can benefit from this LEF blood test. The results can help doctors regulate hormone levels if necessary so life can get back to normal.
How Are LEF Blood Tests Managed?
No insurance is even accepted by the Life Extension Foundation. It isn’t available in Maryland, however, and local providers may be some distance away. You will need to notify LEF of your zip code to determine if this service is convenient for you.
Patients then have their blood drawn whenever they want. The requistion for the blood draw is sent from LEF directly to the patient. Then the blood test is sent back to the laboratory and results are communicated to each patient when ready. They can be viewed online, sent by traditional mail, e-mail, or fax as well. The order for a blood draw is only good for 6 months. Blood spot tests or urine tests which can be collected at home are also part of the LEF process.
LEF has health advisors on staff to discuss the significance of LEF blood test results. Patients can also schedule an appointment with their doctor to discuss what the results mean to their medical history. It is currently available only to individuals who live in the continental United States or residents of Anchorage, AK.
There are hundreds of specific blood tests available. LEF blood test results are affordable and just as reliable as if they were performed at a local lab. Check your local regulations to determine where and when an LEF blood draw may occur, follow the instructions given, and then just wait for the results. In return, the red tape of the modern health care system can be avoided so a treatment plan can be developed.