There are millions of different viruses in the world. Some cause very severe illnesses and some just a minor inconvenience. It is extremely important to know the difference between common viruses that you may come in contact with as well as your risk factors. The flu and Ebola are two very talked about viral illnesses. While the flu is very common all over the world, Ebola only affects a small portion. Let’s take a look at the symptoms and causes of each of these illnesses and what makes them so different.
Flu Facts
1. Basics
The flu is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system. Is is highly contagious and millions of people suffer with it each year. It is caused by the influenza virus. The virus can travel through the air which is what makes it so contagious.
2. Symptoms
The symptoms of the flu can resemble a normal cold but trend to be much more severe. They include a fever over 100 F, headache, cough, fatigue, congestion, aching muscles, headache, and chills and sweats. These symptoms come on very suddenly with the flu and can last up to two weeks.
3. Risks
While the flu can infect anybody, certain factors may make you more likely to catch the illness. Your age plays a big role in this. The flu tends to target children and people over the age of 65. This is due to their lowered immune systems. Chronic illnesses may also increase your risk of catching the flu, such as diabetes, heart problems, or asthma. Your occupation and environment can also influence your chance of getting the virus. If you work in places with a high level of personal interactions, such as in a hospital, school, or nursing home, your chances are greatly increased.
4. Treatment
Majority of people need no treatment other than rest and plenty of fluids to get over the influenza virus. There are some drugs that are prescribed that may shorten to length the illness lasts by a day or two. A flu vaccine, known as “the flu shot”, is also available each year. It can cut your risk of getting the flu dramatically.
Ebola Overview
1. Basics
The Ebola virus is a very serious illness that causes hemorrhagic fevers. It is a native virus to Africa that lives in infected animals. Humans can contract the illness from these animals and then pass from person to person.
2. Symptoms
The symptoms of Ebola normally begin very suddenly within 10 days of initial infection. They include severe headache, chills, stomach pains, diarrhea, a raised red rash, internal bleeding, severe weight loss, chest pain, red eyes, nausea and vomiting. Death is very commonly the result of this virus, when a person is close to death they may begin to bleed from their eyes or other orifices of the body.
3. Cause/Spread
Ebola is spread by the bodily fluids of infected animals. This includes blood as well as waste products. Butchering and eating infected animals is one of the most common ways people contract the Ebola virus. Once a person is infected with the virus they can spread it from person to person.
4. Treatment
There is no medications yet that are effective in the treatment of the Ebola virus. The only care is to help make a person comfortable. Supportive measures include replacing lost blood, providing sufficient fluids and nutrition, providing oxygen, and treating any other infections that may occur.
Differences Between The Flu and Ebola
1. Cause
Both the flu and Ebola are caused by a virus. The flu is caused by the influenza virus and Ebola is caused by the Ebola virus. The way these illnesses are contracted and spread are very different. The flu is airborne, and can be spread just by close proximity to someone infected with the virus. Ebola is spread by infected animal’s bodily fluids. It can also be spread person to person by bodily fluids as well.
2. Severity
The big difference between these two viruses is how severe they are. Ebola has no cure and is deadly. The majority of people who contract Ebola die from the virus. The flu, while it can cause complications that may result in death, is very common and easily treated with proper rest and time.
3. Symptoms
The symptoms of the flu and Ebola are also very different. The flu causes a mild fever of 100 F or higher, fatigue, headache, and body aches. Ebola, however, causes extremely severe headaches, stomach pains, red eyes, bleeding from the eyes, and eventually death.