Any problem or abnormality in the genital reason can cause panic, even though it may not be necessary. Two common causes of symptoms in the genital region are genital herpes and yeast infections. They are vastly different ailments, but can often be confused.
Genital Herpes: What’s The Deal?
1. Basics
Genital herpes is an infection of the buttocks, anal, or genital area. This infection is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex virus. There is no cure, and is a lifelong viral infection. It is characterized by blisters on the genital region. The blisters appear and heal periodically. Once they clear up they may not re-emerge for a long period of time.
2. Symptoms
Blisters or ulcers in the genital area is the main symptoms of genital herpes. A person’s first outbreak with the virus is generally the worst and most painful. Symptoms of someone experiencing their first herpes outbreak include muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes in the groin, discharge, painful urination, fever, and severe headache. These occur in conjunction with the blisters. Outbreaks later on are not nearly as severe as the first. Tingling and burning in the area, even after or before the blisters appear, is the most common symptom.
3. Prevention
Herpes is a preventable disease. It is transmitted from sexual contact, so the most effective way is abstinence. Being in a monogamous relationship with a partner that has been tested for STD’s is another option. If the above two do not suit you, always be sure to use a latex condom, in the correct way, EVERY time you have sexual intercourse.
4. Treatment
Even though genital herpes cannot be cured, treatment is possible to shorten or prevent outbreaks. Your doctor may prescribe you a topical cream that may be used on the skin during an outbreak. Some supplements, herbs, and alternative therapies have also been shown to help.
5. Genital Herpes and Pregnancy
If you are pregnant and have ever had signs of, or been diagnosed with genital herpes it is absolutely vital for you to attend all prenatal care visits and inform your doctor. Herpes can be passed from you to your unborn child and cause things such as miscarriage, or neonatal herpes, which can be potentially lethal. If at the time of delivery, herpes symptoms are present, a c-section is performed.
The Low Down of Yeast Infections
1. What It Is
A vaginal yeast infection is an overgrowth of yeast in the vagina that causes abnormal discharge, swelling, itchiness, and redness in the vagina and around the vulva. These infections are very common, with 75 percent of women experiencing one in their lifetime.
2. Symptoms
A yeast infection can be a very painful and uncomfortable experience for a woman. While they can be painful they can also be hindering for your relationship or love life. The symptoms that may be experienced include:
Redness and swelling
Thick “cottage cheese” like discharge
Painful sex
Painful urination
It is very important to see a doctor if you think you have a yeast infection because many other serious vaginal conditions can have similar symptoms.
3. Causes
A small amount of yeast is naturally present in the vagina at all times but, the balance can be upset easily. If too much yeast develops so does a yeast infection. Many antibiotics will cause a subsequent yeast infection because they will kill all the “good” bacteria in the vagina that help to regulate yeast levels. A poor diet is another culprit. Eating an excessive amount of sugar can also cause a yeast infection to develop. Other causes include pregnancy, stress, illness, hormonal changes, poorly controlled diabetes or HIV, and lack of sleep.
4. Prevention
Preventative measures can be taken in order to greatly reduce your risk of getting a yeast infection. Douching, strong soaps, bubble baths, and scented tampons or pads should always be avoided. The consumption of probiotics, like those found in yogurt, can help to regulate yeast levels. You should always change out of wet or sweaty clothes as soon as possible, the presence of moisture helps to promote yeast growth.
5. Treatment
There are many different over the counter medications on the market that treat vaginal yeast infections. Medicine is in cream or “pill” form, that are inserted into the vagina for a consecutive amount of days. Your doctor can also prescribe you a one dose oral medication that clears yeast infections quickly.
Differences Between Genital Herpes and A Yeast Infection
1. Contagious
Genital herpes are a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease that can be spread through sexual contact. The amount of people in the United States that have been diagnosed with genital herpes are 1 out of 6 people over the age of 15. Yeast infections are considered non contagious, even through sexual contact with an infected woman. .This is mainly due to the fact that the chance of a male getting a penile yeast infection is very low.
2. Cure
There are a multitude of easily obtainable medicines available to treat yeast infections in women. They are quick acting and can clear up a yeast infection in as little as one day. Genital herpes is incurable, the only form of management is the use of doctor prescribed topical medications that may help to shorten an outbreak.
3. Prevention
While both of these conditions can be prevented, the way to go about doing so is very different. With genital herpes sex is the culprit. So practicing safe sex or abstaning from sex is the most effect form of prevention. In the case of yeast infection prevention only small, and often insignificant changes to daily routine need to be made in order to avoid infection.