Being in a bad relationship can be hard to see at the beginning but unfortunately as time wears on what is obvious to others will become obvious to you. Most people think of abusive relationships as ones that are froth with violence and that involve black eyes and beatings. While abusive relationships can certainly escalate into violent outbursts they usually do not start out quite that way.
There will be other signs that things are not quite right. The time to get out of these types of relationships is in the beginning when you do not have a lot invested into them. The longer you stay the harder it is to leave.
1. In The Early Days
Early signs are not that obvious. As a matter of fact this may be the most attentive person you have ever been with. They will whine and dine you and make you feel like you are the most important person in the world. You will feel like this is almost too good to be true.
They will push for a commitment relatively early on in the relationship and want your full attention. You may feel like you are caught up in a world wind and that things are moving very quickly. Talk about marriage and moving in together is likely to happen very early on in the relationship. You may hear things like “I never loved anyone the way I love you” or “ we are meant to be together”. It may even make you a little uncomfortable, pay attention to your gut instinct and do try to keep your feet on the ground.
2. Than the Jealousy Starts
Initially you may find the jealousy “cute” or flattering. If you are out in public there may be episodes of glaring looks when people seem interested in you. Phone conversations may prompt a litany of questions. There is a need to know about every move that you make. You can expect phone calls throughout the day asking about your day and if you do not return them right away it will be “I was so worried about you”. Before too long it will be you asking for “permission” to do the things that you want.
3. Next Up- Isolation
Soon into the relationship the isolation from friends and family will begin. At first it will be “let’s just do us tonight instead of being with your friends” or “I feel like we do not spend enough time alone” than later down it will be a dislike for your friends or family because they do not like them.
Keep a watchful eye out for any of these actions they can be the precursor for something terrible to come.