The DSM (diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders) is used by mental health professionals to diagnose mental health issues and personality disorders. The DSM IV is broken down into different categories and axis to help mental health professionals to determine their diagnosis through testing tools (largely paper and pencil) and through observations. Since the publication of the DSM 5 the DSM IV is now obsolete but the same cluster B personality traits to help with diagnoses is still in place.
The cluster B personalty traits are utilized as a diagnostic tool in the DSM 5. This cluster of personality disorders focuses on dramatic, emotional and erratic disorders.
In the DSM 5 (the most recently updated diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders) the same 10 personalty disorders remain but they are placed on different axis.
The standards for diagnoses has changed as well.
The Cluster B
The cluster B personality traits focused on personality disorders that are relative to people that are overtly dramatic, emotional and that display erratic behaviors. The disorders were as follows:
1. Histronic Pesonality Disorder:
This disorder is defined as excessive attention seeking behaviors combined with the constant need for approval. This disorder can cause hyper sexual activity, hyper seductive activity. People with this disorder are often viewed as being over the top lively, flirtatious and loud. Their behavior is often exaggerated. They are easily influenced by others to make bad choices. They suffer with relationship problems, career issues and often will seek mental health interventions for things like depression when relationships fail.
2. Anti Social Personalty Disorder:
This disorder is defined as a lack of regard for others well being, manipulative behaviors, impulsive behavior and a general lack of empathy. People that suffer with this disorder can be dangerous. They have total disregard for authority and can be blatant in their self boisterous behavior.
3. Borderline Personality Disorder:
This disorder features behaviors that include fears of abandonment, impulsive behaviors that affect personal and professional relationships. Self harm and suicidal behavior is also a feature of this disorder.
4. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
This disorder is defined by grandiose behavior and self importance, a lack of empathy for others, the need for constant attention and compliments. It is a form of extreme egocentrism.
Before a diagnosis is made there are four criteria that has to be met. The cluster B personality traits are not used to diagnose children.