Eating Healthy And Feeling Good
Obesity and diabetes have reached pandemic levels in this country and the food people eat plays a big role. In today’s society, people may feel that they’re too busy to eat right but eating healthy can attribute to a longer, higher quality life. It may be easier to eat right than most people realize if they follow a few simple steps.
Eat Breakfast Everyday
Everyone should eat breakfast every morning. A healthy breakfast composed of whole grains and fruit is the best option but any breakfast is better than skipping the most important meal of the day. People who eat breakfast have a 30% lower obesity rate than those who don’t. The little activities that we perform throughout the day, such as walking to and from the vehicle, will help to burn the calories consumed at breakfast. Combining breakfast with a sensible lunch and a healthy dinner could lead to better health.
Another way to stay healthy is by snacking on fruits and vegetables instead of candy and cakes. There are other nutritious snacks such as trail mix and granola that provide a tasty option to unhealthy snacks. Extra sugar in the body turns into fat when it isn’t burned off by exercise so avoiding foods high in sugar may result in a thinner physique.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking water is another good way to stay healthy. It’s recommended that people consume at least 8 cups of water every day because humans are composed of nearly three quarters water and drinking water has a similar effect to the inside of the body that bathing has on the outside. Replacing beverages high in sugar such as sodas and alcohol can go a long way towards improving one’s health.
The Benefits of Antioxidants
Another benefit to eating fruits and vegetables is the introduction of antioxidants into the body. Antioxidants, such as lycopene and flavonoids, ward off the effects of aging and neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Foods such as leafy green vegetables, pears, carrots, citrus, berries and apples are rich in antioxidants and they can help to improve the health of those who consume them.
Eating healthy may be easier than many people anticipate and adding just a few fruits and vegetables to their diets can vastly improve their health. Eating foods high in sugar or fat can lead to obesity and diabetes even in people with active lifestyles. Fast food and other unhealthy treats should only be enjoyed in moderation.
People looking to lose weight should never starve themselves because starvation leads to a slower metabolism which is why most people who go on a starvation diet gain more weight after they return to their regular eating patterns. Eating breakfast, snacking on vegetables and other foods rich in antioxidants and drinking 8 glasses of water a day may be the best way to stay healthy. Always consult a physician before beginning a diet or exercise regimen.