A baby is considered to have been born premature, if the birth takes place before the 37th week of gestation. Only one-third of the babies in the United States are born near their due date. This means that about half a million babies are born premature. Breaking it down even further, one in eight pregnancies results in premature delivery. According to the research, women have a premature birth rate of 18.5 percent. The rate of 12.5 percent for the United States is actually far lower than many other parts of the world.
1. A Leading Cause of Death in Infants
Premature birth is one of the leading causes of death in infants. Premature birth can mean that the baby has not fully developed the vital organs and abilities to face life outside of the womb. Many of these premature babies experience disabilities and complications for the rest of their lives. Some complications arising from premature birth include respiratory problems due to underdeveloped lungs, jaundice, infections, feeding problems and brain hemorrhage. Some babies born prematurely are also at risk for blindness and developmental delays.
2. Causes
Premature birth is not caused by any action or behavior the mother made. It is a complex situation and therefore hard to prevent. Sometimes it is a genetic or environmental factor, other times it could be due to uterine infections, heavy bleeding, stress, placental separation or multiple fetuses in utero. Most of these cannot be prevented. Getting routine medical care and checkups during the pregnancy is the best way to find any issues before they become problematic.
3. Symptoms
Contacting your medical provider for any signs of bleeding, leakage from the vagina, or frequent contractions is mandatory for a safe and healthy pregnancy. The hospital and the physician may not be able to prevent a premature birth; however, the baby will have a safer and better outcome if you are in the care of the hospital staff and the doctor.
4. Seeking Help
Preterm labor can happen to any pregnant female. Following your physician’s advice about what you can do and what you shouldn’t do, is the best advice. Visiting the physician, calling the physician or nurse can help alleviate any situation that causes stress. What the patient feels as something wrong, such as contractions, the medical professional can determine if it is in fact Braxton-Hicks contractions or actual labor.
5. Famous People Born Premature
There are and have been many premature babies that have grown to live a full and healthy life. Prematurity is not always a detrimental fact. Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Stevie Wonder and Sir Winston Churchill were all premature births. They turned out fine, even better than fine. So do not stress yourself out, check with your physician routinely to prevent any issues that could lead to premature births.