Anemia is one of the most common conditions in the world today. There are billions of people who are believed to be anemic, so if you’re told by your doctor that you have this condition, you have plenty of company. It occurs when there isn’t enough iron in a person’s blood stream. When it occurs, a typical recommendation is to either take an iron supplement or eat more foods that are rich in this mineral. That will typically solve the problem over time. Here are some interesting facts to consider if you’re concerned about anemia.
1. Iron deficiency is not the only cause of anemia.
People who have problems with red blood cell production may find themselves to be anemic because they can produce enough of the cells. A folate deficiency or a lack of Vitamin B12 can cause this problem just like a lack of iron can cause it. If red blood cells break down faster than they’re supposed to be, then the lack of new red blood cells to replace them can also cause anemia.
2. It’s not a disease.
Many people may think of anemia as a disease, but it’s really more of a deficiency or a disorder. For the average person, their bone marrow is able to produce the right amount of red blood cells that the body needs to carry oxygen throughout the body. When there isn’t enough vitamins or minerals around, then the red blood cells can become weak and die early or the bone marrow might not be able to produce enough of them.
3. Younger women have the highest risks of developing anemia.
The natural monthly cycle of the average younger woman can cause her to become anemic. Blood loss can quickly lead to anemic conditions as well, so accidents or deep wounds can cause it as well. People who give blood on a regular basis may find that there is a period of time after a donation where they are anemic. By drinking fluids and making sure the right amount of vitamins and minerals are taken, however, this disorder can usually be resolved fairly quickly.
4. Most people don’t realize they have anemia.
Most cases of anemia are mild, especially outside of the developing world. Many people won’t even recognize that they have the disorder. They just might feel a little more tired than usual. Even in moderate or severe cases, the symptoms of anemia may develop so slowly that they aren’t recognized by the person or their doctor and there are some instances where no symptoms are every felt.
5. Severe diseases may cause anemia.
People who are recovering from a heart attack, are suffering from cancers, or have kidney failure that needs to be treated may have anemia associated with it. Treating the anemia often helps people to feel better during the treatment and recovery process.
Anemia is common, but it is also usually quite easy to fix. If you suspect anemia is happening in your life and you’ve already made dietary adjustments, then talk to your doctor. There may be some other options available for you to correct the issue.