There are many different medical or surgical procedures that you may have to endure overtime, but few are as invasive or risky as alternating brain surgery. There are many different types of brain surgery, but alternating brain surgery is classified as any surgical procedure on the brain that alters it in some form. The brain is very intricate and complex, which makes any type of brain alternating surgery incredibly risky and a complicated procedure. The only way to treat problems within the brain or in surrounding structures is to perform brain surgery. It is time to take a closer look at what brain alternating surgery entails and both the pros and cons of this type of invasive procedure.
Brain surgery is necessary for a variety of reasons including having a brain tumor, having bleeding in the brain, blood clots in the brain, a skull fracture, brain infection or a variety of other brain problems that cab range in severity. Since brain surgery is such a complex medical procedure, it is important that you understand both the pros and cons of alternating brain surgery. This will help you to make an informed decision on with this type of surgical procedure is necessary. Here are some of the pros and cons of brain alternating surgery.
Pros of Brain Alternating Surgery
1. Correct Brain Problem.
The main pro of brain surgery is to eliminate the problem in the brain completely. This is possible if the procedure is successful. This means that the brain tumor or aneurysm can be removed in full or blood can be drained from an infection. The biggest benefit if brain alternating surgery is to remove the problem that has been causing health issues.
2. Only Treatment.
For many brain problems, brain alternating surgery of some type is the only effective course of treatment that is available. Medications and less invasive treatments do not allow for the same level of effectiveness that brain surgery provides. In most cases, it really is the best and only real option that exists.
Cons of Brain Alternating Surgery
1. Risky Procedure.
The biggest downside to brain surgery is that it is one of the riskiest surgical procedures. The risk that you are taking is great and complications that arise could leave you with blood clots on the brain, seizures, stroke, coma, brain swelling or a brain infection. This is always the risk you take when you undergo brain alternating surgery. Sometimes the complications that arise are short-term and can be corrected, but in other cases they might not go away.
2. Long Recovery Time.
Since brain alternating surgery is so invasive, this type of surgical procedure has an especially long recovery time. Even if the procedure goes as planned and no complications arise, you could still be looking at a recovery that takes months. Pain and facial swelling are normal side effects days after your brain surgery, but all pain subsides overtime. If complications do arise, your recovery time will be much longer.
How Are You Prepared for Brain Surgery?
When you are undergoing brain altering surgery, there are a few steps that are common for all patients. No matter the exact type of brain surgery or the reason for the procedure, most alternating brain surgeries are very similar. It is common practice for the hair on your scalp to be shaved before surgery. This area has to be cleaned and prepared so that the surgeon can make a surgical cut through the scalp. Most patients are not shaved completely, but at least a patch of hair will need to be shaved off. The actual location of the cut through the scalp depends completely on the type of brain alternating surgery that you are undergoing. Wherever the problem is located within the brain is where the incision will be made on the scalp.
Procedures of Alternating Brain Surgery
After the incision is made on your scalp, a hole in the skull will be created and bone flap is removed. This gives the surgeon better access. In some types of brain alternating surgeries, only a very small incision is needed and a tube with a light is inserted into the brain. This is known as an endoscope and the entire surgery is performed with tools placed through the endoscope.
What Takes Place During Brain Alternating Surgery?
There are many different things that might occur during brain alternating surgery. It depends mostly on the problem that needs to be corrected. The most common procedures done during brain alternating surgery include clipping off an aneurysm in the brain that is restricting blood flow, getting rid of a tumor, removing abnormal brain tissue, draining blood or simply freeing a nerve. Some are more complex in nature, but all brain alternating surgeries are risky and require precision.