In our society, nothing is more important then success. Success means being able to make out a comfortable life for oneself, while also having the self confidence that comes from being able to define yourself as a winner. Some people however take success to the point where it is not healthy or beneficial. More often then not, these people are called perfectionists.
A perfectionist is a person who will not finish doing something until it is perfect or near perfect in their eyes. This may take precedence over other important objectives, meaning that the person will be fully involved even if it hurts themselves and those around them. If you are fearful that you or someone you know may be a perfectionist, then keep reading. Below are a few perfectionist personality traits to watch out for.
1. Unrealistic Standards
One of the biggest signs of a perfectionist personality is unrealistic standards. This is when the person sets standards that are not really possible. For example, an unrealistic standard may be learning another language fully in half a year. While the person may set aside 4 hours every day to learn, it may still not be realistic to believe that they will learn within the given time. Sometimes the unrealistic standards they have for themselves can wash over to those around them.
2. All or Nothing
Another sign of a perfectionist personality is having an all or nothing mindset towards tasks. This means that the person will either be fully committed, or not bother with the task at all. This often leads to the person not doing many important things, because there is not enough time to do each thing perfectly.
3. Depression From Unmet Goals
Depression is often the result from a perfectionist, as the person will never be able to live up to the stress they put themselves under. Anxiety and depression are a natural result of this.
4. Self-Criticism
Along with depression comes self-criticism. A person with a perfectionist personality will always be hardest on themselves. They will expect things from themselves that they do not expect from other people. Both unrealistic and even hurtful, these expectations will lead to depression and an unhealthy approach towards task management. In addition, it is one of the most common causes of a perfectionist personality because the person is trying to live up to the critical standards they hold themselves to.