For those experiencing migraine headaches, they can feel debilitating. A migraine is classified as a headache of varied intensity that can give the sufferer blurred vision, vision issues such as seeing squiggly lines, loss of vision in portions of the eye sight range, and nausea, along with fatigue. A migraine is actually a neurological disorder where the brain networks are stimulated negatively by outside sources. This could be from light, smells, onset of the menstruation cycle in females, and also alcohol.
1. Symptoms and Effects
When experiencing a migraine, sufferers generally feel fatigued and incapable of performing routine tasks. Many sufferers end up missing work or important family times and celebrations due to the onset of a migraine. In many, not only is the concentration affected, but speech can become garbled, and they experience a variety of vision issues. There could be numbness of the hands and face, black spots in vision, and nausea. The migraine begins when a temporal artery is enlarged. This would be just under the skin. The temporal artery becomes inflamed and this in turn causes the severe pain. Chemicals are released which cause further inflammation and pain.
2. Risk Factors
One in four families has at least one member who is prone to migraines. 12 percent of the American population suffers from migraines. Although there is no set age, migraines usually affect people between the ages of 30 to 60 years. However, there are many instances when the migraine begins in people as young as 15 years old. Most people will be stuck with a migraine three or less times a month. There are many who suffer from chronic migraines. Chronic migraine sufferers experience at least 15 migraines a month. These are debilitating in severity. Migraines are most often diagnosed as a sinus headache or tension headache.
Migraines cost Americans billions of dollars every year in medical costs, missed work and medications. People who suffer from migraines are more apt to experience depression, sleep disorders, anxiety and chronic pain conditions.
3. Prevention
There are things that can be done to stave off migraines for the most part, these are:
- Ensure the proper amount of sleep.
- Minimize the stressors in your life.
- Drink the daily required amount of water to ensure hydration.
- Regular exercise.
- Avoidance of certain trigger foods.
There are a number of studies that have stated that a diet has been beneficial and shown some improvement for migraine sufferers. Physicians are also able to prescribe a variety of medications that may provide some relief for the patients. Prescriptions strength beta blockers, combinations of aspirin, caffeine and barbiturates have proven to reduce the pain levels. Other sufferers swear by herbal medications such as cannabis and CoQ10.
4. Health and Safety
One must ensure their own safety and the safety of others by not driving if they are experiencing numbness of the feet, hands or face. If you are experiencing any vision issues, call for a ride. If you have a fever, you should visit the Emergency department of your . If you are at least 50 and the migraine begins suddenly and severely you should be immediately taken to the Emergency department.