In today’s world where we are under constant exposure of things that can cause us harm through media scare tactics there should be no wonder that there is a small sect of society that suffers from a Phobia of Oranges.
esperidoeidiphobia is the phobia of citrus fruit in general but there is no specific name for the fruit orange. There is a named phobia for the colored orange but it does not apply to people that are phobic when it comes to the Orange fruit.
This rare phobia is strictly related to the fruit Orange and it does not translate into a fear of the color orange and in most cases does not translate into the fear of other citrus fruits. This may seem like a strange item to be phobic of but most phobias are irrational anyway.
The Reality of the Phobia
People that have a phobia of Oranges are completely unable to be even around someone else that is eating the orange or drinking orange juice. This may seem a little irrational but aren’t all phobias irrational?
This phobia is not a life threatening or even a debilitating phobia but it is an indication that other phobic thoughts are possible about other items and events so it is always best to get some intervention to keep this innocuous phobia from growing into something that can be life debilitating.
Like every other phobia the response to being exposed to oranges can vary from individual to individual. Some people will feel a bit stressed and annoyed and other people will have a full blown out anxiety attack that can range from shortness of breath to chest pains and dizziness.
This is not a voluntary response that can be controlled it is a physical response to some very unconventional thoughts about the orange and what threat it poses.
Flight or Fight
Most experts believe that all phobias are relative to the flight or fight response that the misconstrued thought process about the article, item or activity triggers the hormones and natural response that are supposed to be delegated for use in real life dangerous situations. This reaction can be brought about only by the real belief that a person is in danger for their life. There is no way to fake the response.
While it sounds absolutely ridiculous to most of us this phobia is a very real phobia and should be treated as such.