For every diseases, illnesses and whatever painful effects that a person is experiencing, there are always a certain medicines that doctors can be highly recommended. One of these known prescribed medicines of some doctors that are highly recommended to relieve pain is Tapentadol.
Understanding Nucynta
Tapentadol or also known from its brand name Nucynta , it is pain reliever that acts on certain center of the brain to give you pain relief. This medicine is highly indicated for the relief of moderate and severe pains. The use of this drug is appropriate for patient ages 18 years old and above. The intake of this drug can be with or without food, in some instances; the effect of this drug may not be as fast as possible, sometimes if you have it intake and it did not effect, then it is better to take again a second dose after one hour.
Before the intake of this drug, it a great must to consult your doctor first, tell him your medical history if ever you have allergies, history of brain disorders, breathing problems, stomach or intestinal problems, or even kidney and liver disease. Any medical history that you have from the past must be known by the doctor before the intake of Nucynta, because some of these might affects the risk of you to experience some side effects.
Warnings of Nucynta
The DON’T’s to remember when taking Nucynta:
• Do not drink alcohol, because it can cause side effects and worst death.
• Do not crashed or open any nucynta pill, you must swallow it whole to avoid potentially fatal dose.
• Do not share this medicine with other, unless it is prescribed by the doctor.
• Do not take this medicine in larger amount; it is better to follow the doctors prescribed dose for you.
• Do not use this medicine if you are allergic in tapentadol.
• Do not use this medicine if you have severe asthma or any breathing problems.
• Do not share Nucynta to those people who have history of drug abuse or addiction.
• Do not sell Nucynta to other people, because it strictly prohibited by the law.
Side Effects of Nucynta
The following are the common side effects through the use of Nucynta:
• Slowed or Stopped Breathing
• Gastrointestinal disorders
• Headache, Dizziness, Sleepiness, or Anxiety
• Insomnia, Fatigue, Chills or Fever
• Loss of Voice
• Painful Urination or Bladder Pain
• Cough or Problem Swallowing.
• Body Aches, Tiredness or weakness
• Drowsiness, Being Forgetful, and Confused
• Anxiety or Nervousness, Shakiness or Trembling
• Convulsion
• Swelling on the Face, Lips, Eyelid , Hands and Feet
• Feeling Tightness in the Chest
• Paled Lips, Fingernails and Skin
• Joint pain and Stiffness
If ever you experience such problems after you intake Nucynta, the best way to do is to consult your doctor. This medicine can cause severe side effects and death from the person who will use it if it is not properly prescribed by the doctor.