Histrionic personality is a kind of human nature in behavioral science but it is a disorder in psychology or psychiatry. Histrionic personality disorder is very common and it is curable. Timely intervention is necessary to cure histrionic personality disorder.
There are many histrionic personality traits which will tell you if you have a histrionic person around you or with you. But many of those traits are a little exaggerated of what normal people do. Hence, it may be difficult for anyone to observe those traits in social circles or in family life unless one has a very acute sense of knowing what the person is doing. There will always be patterns and those cannot be exaggerated. If normal behavior is a borderline case of histrionics, at all times, then a person has a histrionic personality disorder.
Common Histrionic Personality Traits
1. A histrionic person will always become a little coy, disappointed, suffocated, disinterested or hypersensitive during situations where he or she is not being given enough attention. A histrionic person will always crave for attention. A narcissist also wants attention but the narcissist thinks he or she deserves all the attention. A histrionic person will want attention without knowing why he or she should be given so much importance. They just crave for it and they would do almost anything to get it.
2. To attain that kind of attention or even otherwise, a histrionic person will be overly flirty. Their physical actions or movements would often be inappropriate. The actions or reactions and interactions can be regarded as sexually provocative or seductive.
3. A histrionic person will also crave for approval. Even if there is nothing to be approved, he or she would want others to acknowledge their presence and give them a lot of space for whatever they want to do and everyone will have to approve of it as well.
4. Histrionic people tend to be emotional. However, their emotional sensitivity or hypersensitivity does not stem from emotions but from shallowness of emotions. There is actually a dearth of emotions in that person but they would falsely bloat that emotions, quite involuntarily, and express it. This also paves the way for weird and superlative mood swings.
5. Dramatization, blowing things out of proportion or theatricality are the most obvious histrionic personality traits.
6. A histrionic person will also struggle with relationships. They would either go overboard in managing a relation or not bother at all, regardless of the actual state or nature of the relationship.